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FAMILY NEWSCOMMUNITY “TRICK OR TREAT:” Tracey Brewer has been able to find a spot near where Leon and Lisa used to live where we will set up a booth for the Dowagiac “Trick or Treat” evening on October 31. If you are willing to wear a costume and help, see Tracey. REMEMBER SINGING HERE NOV 12: Flyers are available. Help get the message out to brothers and sisters in areas within driving distance of us. We do plan to have finger foods after the singing and a time of fellowship and sharing. SUNDAY MORNING CLASS: Let me encourage everyone to come to our Bible class on Sunday morning. Surely getting to class by 10:00 A.M. is not a big challenge for any of us. We have just finished a class on Basics which was a class many of us need. Assuming we know why we do what we do and believe what we believe, the next obvious area of the study is how to live the Christian life. The issues we will study are the Christian response to racism, gender, capital punishment, divorce and remarriage, serving in the military and being a conscientious objector, insurance, euthanasia and end of life options, church buildings, etc. We will not do these items in this order, but these are things that we as Christians need to study and understand. Please come! TODAY'S LESSON
INTRODUCTION: ISAIAH 51-53 A. Israel is in their third captivity.
WHY DO YOU THINK THIS TYPE/ANTITYPE EXISTS?B. Captivity is a fact of life — political, social, medical Even recreational for many.
C. Isaiah 51:12-27 —
God comforts his children.D. Isaiah 52:3 — Talking to ancient Judah, me, and you. A. Skeptics say it is accidental. Why are there many?
B. What does the Bible say? Galatians 3:24; Hebrews 12:1-3; Romans 1:20; 2 Timothy 3:16 C. What do we do with the Bible? 1. Read it and drop it?
D. Type/Antitype is a way to build our faith.2. Let it change us — Romans 6:4 to a “new life.” A. Isaiah 52:13 to Isaiah 53:12
1. Quoted in Acts 8:30-35 by Phillip & Eunuch
B. Written in the 8th Century B.C.2. Quoted by Peter in 1 Peter 2:22-25 C. This is a great apologetic for biblical inspiration. A. If your life has not been changed, you do not understand the gospel.
1. The message of the butterfly — cocoon to fly.
B. The Gospel should bring beauty into your life.
2. 2 Coronthians 5:17-19 — Are you a new creation? 1. Freedom from guilt over mistakes made.
C. Freedom from fear of death and for those we love2. The power to forgive others Matthew 6:14 is a promise of God.
D. The ability to see beauty in every aspect of life 1. What do you see in this fall season?
2. What do you see when you see a baby? 3. What you see in the beauty of your marriage. 4. How you see sex — see THE BACK PAGE below. 5. The ability to have help from people who care 6. Having friends who share ups and downs A. Can you repent — change the way you think?
Only you control your thinking. You are not a robot.
B. Ancient Israel was always welcomed back by God.
1. God wants to welcome you back.
C. Are you willing to accept the Gospel?2. The consequences of living without God scares us. THE BACK PAGEMAKING SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL UGLYIf you are like most of us, the events in the “Holy Land” over the past eight days have been unreal. A nation that has rejected Jesus Christ and his teachings has declared war on a nation that lives by the teachings of a religious leader who established his religion by war and violence. Caught in the middle of all of this have been innocent babies, children, grandparents, mothers and fathers, and helpless men and women. The sacredness and value of human life has been sacrificed on all sides by the political machines that run both Israel and Hamas. While this war sickens us we see one example after another of God's beauty being twisted and distorted into something ugly. In Genesis 1 and 2 we see God commenting on the goodness of all he created. The cosmos was good according to Genesis 1:10. Plants were good according to Genesis 1:12. The establishment of days and nights and their chronometers was good according to Genesis 1:18. Animal life was pronounced good in Genesis 1:21 and again in Genesis 1:25. God created man and woman and concluded his work by saying “it was VERY good” in Genesis 1:31. In Genesis 2:21-25 God established man and woman as one flesh and in Genesis 2:23 Adam responds that woman was “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.” Just as war has reduced human life to an ugly thing, man's use of sex has been reduced to an ugly thing. Our movies and TV shows have reduced sex to “hooking up” with no commitment or unity between the participants. The result is that humans have been given “up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves” (Romans 1:24). Something beautiful between a man and a woman has been turned into something ugly. Romans 1:26-32 goes on to identify the results of such activity. Our Sunday morning class will explore some of this with an eye to how you and I deal with it. Join us!! Our sign by the street! Sign saying from www.sayingsforchurchsigns.com. Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |