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FAMILY NEWSTODAY — POTLUCK TODAY: It is the first Sunday of the month so we have our traditional potluck today. Please plan to stay and enjoy the food and the fellowship. If you did not bring anything, do not let that stop you. We always have a problem using everything up. We also have Timbers this afternoon. Plan to stay and eat with us, and join us at 2:00 P.M. to sing and visit with the residents and staff. We need you to be a part of our activity. CLASSES: We resume our normal classes today, so please make a resolution to join our three classes and grow and learn together. Our 10:00 A.M. class is on Christian living. We have studied those things that are salvation issues during the summer, and we have started dealing with the tough choices that Christians face. We have talked about whether Christians should be conscientious objectors or not, what kind of music we should have in worship, and whether the church should own property and buildings or not. Our next topic will be how Christians should handle marriage, divorce, and remarriage. These are critical issues for our time. Our Sunday evening class will continue with women in the Bible and the example that God gives us about the great women of the past as recorded in the Bible. Our Wednesday evening class will continue our study of the book of Hebrews. These are important subjects! We all need to grow and learn God’s Word. TODAY'S LESSON
INTRODUCTION A. Psalm 53:1-4 — Fool is nabal — an empty person
B. David writes about those who reject God and the consequences of that illogical choice. 1. There is no proven moral code without God.
C. Christians need to see three examples of this.2. Rejection of God means no reason to exist. A.Thinks that “things” will bring satisfaction.
II. THE LEGALISTIC FOOL — What does rule keeping do?
1. You get that new “toy.” What use is it in a year?
B. Luke 12:16-21 — The rich fool ignored reality.
2. Are the rich people you know more satisfied? 1. Building bigger barns did not avoid death.
C. Luke 18:18-25 — Things can enslave us.2. Ecclesiastes 5:10-15 — From a rich man. Read it. D. Luke 19:1-10 — Zacchaeus shows real freedom. The message is “from now on” — current change.
E. Luke 16:3 and 9:23-26 — Do not be empty!A. Righteousness is NOT rule keeping.
III. THE RATIONALISTIC FOOL — Trust of reasoning
It is fellowship with Jesus Christ.
B. Luke 18:10-14 — The Pharisee and the tax collectorC. Matthew 23 — A scathing denunciation by Jesus 1. Gave 1/10th, neglected more important matters
2. Verse 33 — Jesus calls them “snakes.” A. Acts 17 — Values philosophy over God's Word.
B. Romans 1:20-23 — No thinking in America today C. 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 — A description of our time. A. Has materialism, legalism, philosophy brought joy?
B. 2 Peter 2:9-22 — What are we a slave to? 1. Christianity works — gives the best of life.
2. Why do we spread the gospel? Two reasons: a. Heaven is number 1.
b. Joy in living is number 2. THE BACK PAGETHE ADVANTAGES OF A SMALL CONGREGATIONWe have been gone for the past two weeks to visit my two daughters in Texas. We went to worship services with them and met with huge congregations with a large number of members. Both of their congregations had more than one preacher and employed workers who had a title and a responsibility for one area of the Lord's work. One of the interesting things about the first century church is that they did not meet the way most American churches meet. Acts 2:41 tells us that in one day 3,000 people became Christians. Acts 2:46 tells us that they were together every day and Acts 2:47 says others were added so the total number of people was well over 3,000. This was not an American church building with surround seating, a 10,000 watt PA system and a song leader using four-part harmony. Acts 2:44-45 indicate that there was extensive benevolent activity going on and Acts 2:46 indicates that they ate their meals together in their homes. All of this strongly suggests that the first century church did not meet as one assembly in one place at one time. Later accounts in Acts indicate that the church met at night (see Acts 20:6-12). This was necessary because the first day of the week was not a worship time for the Jews; it was a day of work. In Dowagiac a visitor is recognized and welcomed. All members are invited personally to attend classes and to participate in the various work projects the congregation is involved in. We are doing everything the big Texas congregations are doing in one way or another. One hundred percent of our contributions goes to do or maintain the work of the Lord. No money goes for salaries. No one can get lost in a congregation as small as ours, and while we would like to see our numbers increase, there are some huge advantages to our size. God takes you where you are and makes great things come from you. One part of that is being part of a small working congregation like ours. Our sign by the street! Sign saying from www.sayingsforchurchsigns.com. Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |