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FAMILY NEWSREPORT ON OUR FOOD PANTRY MINISTRY: This past Monday we set an all time record for food distribution. Thirty-nine families were serviced with 123 people receiving food from us. We ran out of some items but were able to serve everyone that came needing food. Our thanks to those who have contributed money and/or time to serve others, and thanks to Richard Hoyt for leading this vital work. PLANS FOR CHRISTMAS PARTY ON DECEMBER 20TH: We hope everyone will come to a Christmas party whether you normally come to class or not. If you need transportation let Bill Gibson know. Thanks to Lana Fox for planning the party and Denise Cook for initiating the Christmas cookie exchange. Please come to enjoy the fellowship and fun. Cookies and gift exchange are not required to come. However, if you want to be part of the gift exchange, tell Lana ASAP. Names drawn today! Here are the details: Wednesday, December 20th HOLIDAY DATES TODAY'S LESSON
INTRODUCTION A. 45% of college kids are too depressed to function.
10% have or are contemplating suicide.
B. Genesis 2:18 — You can be in a crowd and be alone.
Being a hermit does not bring contentment.
C. God is a relationship God.
1. He wants us to be content.
2. Our relationships are connected to contentment. A. We see ourselves in their struggles.
1. James, John and their mother — Matthew 20:20-23
B. Jesus knew what blocked contentment.
2. Peter — John 21:20-22 3. Thomas struggling with faith — John 20:24-26 4. Philip and Andrew questioning — John 6:7-9 What do we think are God's limits?
5. These were ordinary men — like us.1. Matthew 5-7 dealt with these things.
C. Paul shows contentment is a function of learning.
2. Trying to make things perfect among humans makes us lose contentment. 3. Having more than needed leads to worry — Matthew 6. 1. Philippians 4:12 — Saying “I don't care” is a lie.
2. Saying “my team wins” does not make us content. 3. Building a wall around our heart does not work. A. Acts 2:42 — They spent time teaching & learning.
B. Spent time in fellowship (same verse). C. Acts 2:46 — They ate meals together. D. Prayed together — “Our Father” not “My Father”! E. Acts 2:44 — They shared possessions. F. Acts 2:45 — They gave to meet the needs of others. A. Do we believe Ephesians 3:14-21?
B. Jesus will not run us down and force us to find contentment. THE BACK PAGEARE YOU CONTENT?The life of Paul is an amazing study of a man who had every reason to be unsatisfied with his lot in life. Here was a man who was highly educated having been a student of Gamaliel (Acts 5:34; 22:3), a well known scholar at that time. Paul could have been one of the top men in the Jewish hierarchy and had great wealth and power. Instead of that he was reviled, beaten, attacked, disowned, and castigated by the very people he was trying to help. Not only was he rejected by the Jewish leaders, but even within the church he was opposed. At one point Paul cries out “At the first hearing of my case no one came to support me, on the contrary they all deserted me” (2 Timothy 4:16). On top of all of this rejection (see 2 Corinthians 11:23-28) it appears that Paul was killed. On top of all of this Paul writes in Philippians 4:11-12, “I have learned whatever be my outward experience to be content. I know how to live when things are difficult and how to live amid abundance. In general and in particular I have learned the secret of facing either plenty or poverty, both to abound or to suffer need.” He then gives the secret behind his ability in Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Paul was a chosen vessel by God (Acts 9:15), and he was willing to allow God to use him. Being chosen by God can bring huge contentment into a person's life. I am not strong enough to do what Paul did, and God has not laid that on me, and I suspect you are not either. We have a promise from God, that ought to bring great contentment into our lives: “So far you have not faced a trial that is beyond what a man can bear. God can be depended on not to allow you to suffer any temptation beyond your powers of endurance. But he will see to it that every temptation has a way out so that you may be able to endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:13). We can be content when we know that whatever happens in this life is the worst we will ever have to endure. Our sign by the street! Sign saying from www.sayingsforchurchsigns.com. Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |