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FAMILY NEWSPOTLUCK NEXT SUNDAY! YOU ARE NEEDED AT TIMBERS:: Our sermon today deals with what our job is as a congregation and as individuals. Read Matthew 25:31-40 to see what Jesus says our job is. Plan to be with us at Timbers nursing home next Sunday starting at 1:45 P.M. to 2:45 as we conduct a worship service with the staff and residents and try to encourage and support those who are in need. IF WE HAVE TO CANCEL: Bill Gibson has made up a call list so that if we have to cancel services, everyone will know. Karl has Zoom working, so we will have services for everyone via Zoom if services are canceled. If you do not have entry to ZOOM, let Karl know and he will help you get on. You also may wish to take a communion pack home with you, so that you can participate in communion in your home. DIRECTION NEEDED: We have started a new year, and plans need to be formulated as to what we plan to do in 2024. Are we going to have VBS? Do we want to do a Fun Fair again? Do we want to host an area-wide singing again? Are we OK with continuing the food pantry, highway cleanup, backpack program, and coat giveaway? What investment do we want to make to repair and improve our signage in front of the building? Continue at THE BACK PAGE below. TODAY'S LESSON
A. What does “bearing fruit” mean?
I. MATTHEW 13:24-30; 37-43
Matthew 7:16-20; John 4:36; 15:1-16
B. Our primary duty is to sow seeds, not to uproot weeds. See Power for Today for 2/12/2024.A. Jesus is the owner and we are his servants.
B. The enemy is Satan who sows a weed like corn. Called “darnel” — looks like corn
C. Workers for Satan do not look different.
2 Corinthians 11:13-14
D. We are not to judge because we cannot tell darnel from corn — Luke 6:37.
Understand God is the judge, not us — Romans 9:15.
A. 2 Peter 2:1-3 — Do not listen to me or anyone else if we are guilty of what this passage says.
B. 2 Timothy 4:3 — how do we apply this? What is the motivation for firing the preacher?
C. What does God say about who should lead the church? 1 Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9A. God weeds out those who are false.
B. The Spirit moves us to the roles we occupy. 1. Forcing a person into a job invites disaster.
C. God does the weeding and chooses ministry.
2. By worldly standards being a church leader is not a job anyone would want. Examples: Thayer Salisbury, Glynn Langston, etc.
D. Politics, power struggles, racism, discrimination, etc., have no place in the Lord's church.A. How are we as a congregation sowing seed?
What fruit are we looking for — See THE BACK PAGE below.
B. Sowing the Seed of the Kingdom in song book. How do you answer this question? How can I/you do better?DOING OUR JOBOne of the joys of being a Christian is to know that we have a purpose in existing. The Bible is full of comments about the joy that the children of God should have. In the Psalms we see repeated references to being joyful in the activities of the children of God. Psalm 100:1-2 tells us, “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, … Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.” In the New Testament we read about the joy that Christians generated by doing God's will. In Acts 8:8 we are told that when Philip came to Samaria and did God's will that, “there was great joy in that city.” Galatians 5:22 tells us, “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, … .” There are dozens of passages that speak of the joyfulness that comes with being a child of God. Have you been with us when we conduct a worship service at Timbers? There is one man who cannot speak due to a stroke, but when he sees me he lights up with a huge smile. There are several regulars who let us know how much they appreciate us coming. When we greet people who come for food there is great joy in those who come including their escorts. One of the things that brings great satisfaction is the response of people when they find out we just want to serve them. I have several people that Bill Gibson has assigned me to call when we have to cancel services due to the weather. I called one man who started the conversation with a belligerent “what do you want?” When I told him I just wanted to talk with him, find out how he was and share what the plans were for the services of the church his whole demeanor changed and he thanked me for calling. He said nobody calls him just to listen and share. “They all want some money” was his excuse. Our job is to share and encourage as Jesus taught us, not to discipline and criticize. All of us can do our various jobs, and each of us has a special job that we can do. We need to talk about what we as a congregation will do in 2024. Our sign by the street! Sign saying from www.sayingsforchurchsigns.com. Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |