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![]() TO OUR VISITORS The family of God here at Dowagiac Church of Christ wishes to extend to you a warm welcome. If you have questions about our worship services and why we do what we do, we will be glad to give you a biblical answer. The uniqueness of the Church of Christ is that we are trying to restore to the best of our ability those things that we see the first century Church doing. We are also working hard at building the spirit, unity, and love that Jesus taught and prayed for. We have no clergy, but are working together as equal co-workers trying to serve one another and the area in which we live. Come study with us, grow with us, and serve with us as we strive to do God’s will in all things. COME TONIGHT
Remember our Sunday night studies at 6:00 tonight. We are in a new study on the miracles of Jesus. Tonight we will be talking about what miracles were for and who was allowed to experience a miracle. This goes well with our Wednesday night class on 2 Timothy. Join us for these classes and grow and expand your Bible knowledge. FAMILY NEWS
Construction. Our thanks to Bill Gibson for getting the driveway access to M51 filled in. That is going to make a huge difference when ice and snow are on the driveway. Thanks, Bill! We need to dig out the gravel and pour cement in the sheltered entry. We need diggers and cement workers. See Bill if you can help. We also need to get the carpet for the fellowship area. See Donna or Patty for more on this. Family Concerns. Keep Marianne Slack in your prayers as she continues to battle health problems. Others of our number are improved. Our thanks to everyone who helped with our Kid’s Fun program yesterday at the Pitcher Lake Campground. We care about our children and want them to know they can have fun as Christians and without video games. Niles singing. There is a congregational singing at the Niles congregation Saturday (the 27th) at 4:00. Food and refreshments will be served. If you want to go they would like to know. See Patty or Bill if you are interested. TODAY’S LESSON
THE THREE HARDEST WORDS What are the three hardest
words for you to say?
_______________________________________________ "I love you." Why is this hard for you to say? "I told you once, if I
change I'll tell you" doesn't
cut it.
We all, not just wives & kids need to hear these words "Please forgive me." Why is this hard for you to say? It is hard to admit we were wrong - Involves submission "I have sinned" is used eight times in the Bible
Notice where these people are in life when they say these words. Do we have to be put in those situations before we can say it? Why are these words so hard to say? Saying “I have sinned” admits guilt. 1 John 1:8,10 Saying “I have sinned” means to face up to justice Sin always has consequences
With Christ, Justice brings mercy—answers. 1 John 1:9 Christianity is a guilt-relieving religion Saying “I have sinned” means to admit need. We cherish our independence.
We don’t want to give up self-sufficiency. What will you give? To save your marriage—I love you; please forgive. To maintain your salvation. Luke 18:9-14—Does this describe you? LESSONS ON THE ROAD
We have not been with you for the past three Sundays as we have been
working with congregations in Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Missouri.
All three of these congregations taught me some things. The
Muskogee, OK, Church is a work started by people who have had bad
experiences in other churches. Sound familiar? They have
joined together in unity to begin a new work where people just
concentrate on Jesus and not issues. My material was perfect for
that, because we deal with evidence and not what has happened between
people in the past. Lafayette, LA, is in Cajun country, and the Church is trying to reach out to a culture that has huge needs but resents outsiders. They are helping address local needs and are gradually winning the respect of the community and have grown by using their diversity to serve. Wentzville, MO, is a young church having been planted about four years ago. We had 340 people there last Sunday, with 90% of them being under 30 years of age. They have started meeting in people’s homes to deal with things like child raising, divorce, substance abuse, depression, money management, marriage problems, and dealing with abuse. All of these subjects are approached on a biblical basis with support to people from the community being emphasized. As I watched what these brothers and sisters are doing in these places, I thought about Dowagiac and the needs and problems that exist in our community. All of these situations and needs are present in our area, and the Church has the only answers that really make sense. The work being done by these three congregations is not a one man or woman job. People are stepping up and taking on responsibility and doing things. Mistakes are made, but as one man said to me, “I would rather make the mistake of doing something and messing up than make the mistake of doing nothing.” That is a good comment for our situation. We cannot just sit in this church building once a week and think that we are doing God’s will. Christianity is a doing religion, and we all need to take on an active role of serving others and getting involved. God can and will do wonderful things through us, but not if we don’t get involved—every one of us. |