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![]() TO OUR VISITORS The family of God here at Dowagiac Church of Christ wishes to extend to you a warm welcome. If you have questions about our worship services and why we do what we do, we will be glad to give you a biblical answer. The uniqueness of the Church of Christ is that we are trying to restore to the best of our ability those things that we see the first century Church doing. We are also working hard at building the spirit, unity, and love that Jesus taught and prayed for. We have no clergy, but are working together as equal co-workers trying to serve one another and the area in which we live. Come study with us, grow with us, and serve with us as we strive to do God’s will in all things. COME TONIGHT
Remember our Sunday night studies at 6:00 tonight. We are continuing our study on the miracles of Jesus. Tonight we will be reviewing the miracles we have studied, and will be seeing the ultimate purpose that each miracle had. There is a great deal of erroneous teaching and misunderstanding about miracles in our world today. Join us for these classes and grow and expand your Bible knowledge. FAMILY NEWS POTLUCK TODAY: Between the weather and the holiday period when a lot of us were out of town, you may have forgotten that today is the first Sunday of the month which is our potluck Sunday. Do not let that stop you from staying for today’s potluck. Some of us brought extra, and we can always run for more if we need it. Plan to stay with us and enjoy a time of fellowship as we eat together, and then as we get together and make plans for the new year. ABOUT CANCELLATION: We want to remind everyone that, if the weather is bad and JR cannot get the parking lot plowed, we will do our best to call everyone who normally comes. This applies especially to Sunday night and Wednesday night. We have tried to call everyone over the past two weeks when snow problems existed. Our apologies if you got missed and came. When in doubt call the Gibsons. TODAY’S LESSON
JAMES 1:19-25 Do you feel that you are a
success? ___________________
What does being a success mean?_________________________________________________________________________ KEYS TO SUCCESSFUL LIVING Consistently controlling anger. James 1:19Quick to listen--how do we do
Getting rid of moral
filth. James 1:21Slow to speak. James 1:26 James 3:3-12 Slow to become angry--how do we do that? You will never be a success when
immorality is in your life.
Seeking Truth through the
Word. James 1:21“Get rid of” or “lay apart” is the key phrase. 1 Thessalonians 5:22 1 Corinthians 15:33 Romans 14:21 Engrafted Word or Word
planted--what is it?
Critique your self and your
life. James 1:22-25What is it? How do we do it? When you look in the mirror, what
do you see?
Be a person of doing--not just
talking. James 1:25-27When you look in the mirror of God’s Word what is there? Do you look in mirrors? For what? Notice that un-critiqued lives are vain (verse 26). What is the perfect law of
liberty? Liberty from what?
Do not be afraid to start over.
Do not be controlled by your tongue. Read Chapter 3. Did you grow in 2007? Why or why not? James is a “doing” book. Look at verse 27. The Church provides a basis of doing. The plan of salvation is a doing
Not an emotional thing. Not a silent thing. Why is it important to start over--in business, marriage? Baptism lets us start over--so does repentance. STAYING OUT OF POLITICS
2008 is being used by many as a year in which churches will get involved in the national presidential race. Several candidates have promoted their religious views or background as a major issue that should attract votes for them. Many preachers are using their pulpits to promote a particular party or individual. This is a dangerous business that threatens both the Church and the democratic process. In Matthew 22:17-21 Jesus was questioned about whether it was right to pay taxes. There were those in the Jewish community that felt that giving money to the corrupt Roman government was wrong, and they brought this challenge to Jesus. Jesus responded by telling them to “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s.” In Matthew 17:24-27 Jesus pays tribute money for himself and Peter, making the comment that being offensive to the powers of government was something to be avoided. In Romans 13:1-7 Christians are told to be obedient to civil authority and to pay taxes, customs, and honor to those in power. We need to encourage Christians to do all of those things. That means voting and being a part of the process. The Church, however, is not to be a part of politics. No one should tell you on religious grounds how to vote, nor should the Church endorse a candidate. The entanglement of Church and State is always a disaster, and the terrible problems taking place in the world right now are rooted in such entanglement. Islam promotes religious control of the state, and the result is always destructive. Jesus clearly taught that Church and State should remain separate. In the history of modern Christianity, wars and conflict have been rooted in situations where denominations did not do that. We would hope that the morality taught by the Church, and the values that the Church emphasizes would assist you in your decision of how to vote. The Church will not, however, endorse a person or a party in this election, or in any other election. |