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![]() TO OUR VISITORS The family of God here at Dowagiac Church of Christ wishes to extend to you a warm welcome. If you have questions about our worship services and why we do what we do, we will be glad to give you a biblical answer. The uniqueness of the Church of Christ is that we are trying to restore to the best of our ability those things that we see the first century Church doing. We are also working hard at building the spirit, unity, and love that Jesus taught and prayed for. We have no clergy, but are working together as equal co-workers trying to serve one another and the area in which we live. Come study with us, grow with us, and serve with us as we strive to do God’s will in all things. CLASSES
We encourage you to take advantage of the Bible classes that we have regularly. Tonight we will be continuing our study of the Bible class this morning about how the Church can and should deal with change. Come and join us for this stimulating discussion. FAMILY NEWS
DECISIONS. There is a lot going on right now as far as the future of this congregation is concerned. We have had some men make some huge contributions to improving the facility in which we meet. J.R., assisted by a number of men, has done a wonderful job of laying the new carpet that Jim and Brenda picked out for the fellowship area. Bill G. has corrected the plumbing, hooked up the ice maker, and is putting in a water softener. Dave has rebuilt the cabinet in the kitchen area, put up the new literature rack, and assisted Bill. Last Sunday it was decided we will go ahead with paving the parking area. We are taking bids on the project and will hope to get this done as soon as the ground thaws. We also have taken on a new benevolence situation and are continuing our jail ministry. There is a wonderful letter from a converted inmate on the bulletin board. We hope that everyone will get involved in all that is going on. Keep praying for all our outreaches and work programs. TODAY’S LESSON
KNOWING GOD IS Romans 1:18-25
ATHEISM--The fastest growing faith in America Richard Dawkins--The God Delusion
Sam Harris Julian Huxley--Textbooks Humanist Manifesto--“The Universe is eternal, self existing, and not created.” Reshith Elohim bara shamayim erets Three claims: A.
1:20B. ______________________________________ C. ______________________________________ Science proves there was a
The expanding universe (big bang)
The fuel The second law--death--heat death “Self existing” would destroy all
known science.
1:20bEvolution assumes creation. Psalm 139:14--Kids class
1:21Psalm 19:1 Proverbs 6:6 Proverbs 30:24 Antony Flew Francis Collins Immorality is an inevitable
consequence (verse 24).
ILLOGICALPsalm 53 Matthew 7:7-8--All “Seek” promises are spiritual. Pascal’s choice
If I believe
and I am wrong--what have I lost and what have I gained?
If I do not believe and I am wrong--what have I lost and what have I gained? THOMAS--A LESSON IN FAITH
In last week’s lesson, we talked some about how doubt can cause us to become inactive and actually fall away from the Church. This morning we are looking at how we can know God is. There is no character in the Bible that shows the struggle to believe more dramatically than Thomas. In John 11:1-16 we see Jesus at a very dangerous time in his life. In John 10:31 and 39 we are told that the Jews were trying to kill him, so he flees Judea and goes to a safe place. When the death of Lazarus begins, Jesus proposes going back into Judea where attempts on his life had been made and in verse 8 the disciples express amazement that he would even think of going back there. It is at this point when the faith of Thomas shines as in verse 16 he says to the rest of the disciples “Let us also go, that we may die with Jesus.” What a wonderful courageous statement to make! It is amazing then that a short time later in John 20:24-25 Thomas refuses to believe the resurrection. Is it not encouraging though for us, that one so close to the situation and having had far more opportunities to believe than have we could still be filled with doubt to the point of denying Jesus’ resurrection verbally. What is also encouraging to us is how Jesus deals with the doubt of Thomas. A week later the disciples are together, and amazingly Thomas is still with them. They have not thrown him out because of his doubts. He has not withdrawn or gone off into the world. He is still seeking, still searching still looking for answers. When we have doubts the worst thing we can do is quit--which is what our lesson was about last Sunday. Thomas is still with the brethren and Jesus comes and addresses his needs. Jesus does not condemn, he does not chastise, he does not belittle; he addresses Thomas’s doubts. Secular history tells us that Thomas went on to become a great evangelist in Spain and western Europe. When we work at removing doubts, we will be successful. This congregation is dedicated to helping people eliminate doubt and become active in God’s service. Be a believing Christian, if you have doubts, seek and Jesus will make sure you find. |