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![]() TO OUR VISITORS The family of God here at Dowagiac Church of Christ wishes to extend to you a warm welcome. If you have questions about our worship services and why we do what we do, we will be glad to give you a biblical answer. The uniqueness of the Church of Christ is that we are trying to restore to the best of our ability those things that we see the first century Church doing. We are also working hard at building the spirit, unity, and love that Jesus taught and prayed for. We have no clergy, but are working together as equal co-workers trying to serve one another and the area in which we live. Come study with us, grow with us, and serve with us as we strive to do God’s will in all things. CLASSES
We encourage you to take advantage of the Bible classes that we have regularly. Tonight we will begin a study of why God has two testaments--the New and the Old. Join us as we learn about the different types of books that are in the Bible and why they are there. Our Wednesday night class is taking us through the miracles that God used with Moses as the Israelites came out of Egypt. This is a complex study and gives us some great insight as to how God functions in today’s world. Our Sunday morning class continues to look at Daniel and some of the implications of his life and the book in the Bible that tells us about what happened during that time. Join us for these wonderful studies. FAMILY NEWS
We have a lot of folks who are struggling with physical problems. Some that we know of: Wanda Kirst had knee surgery, with some complications. She is improving. Marianne Slack is having tests and expecting surgery momentarily to deal with a cancer problem. Pat Brewer continues to struggle with her cancer problem and has been very ill. Phyllis Clayton had tests this last week, but no answer to her severe intestinal problems. She has lost almost 20 pounds and is not doing well at all. Bill Salmons was ill this past week. Please keep all of these folks in your prayers. We will let you know if there are needs that the Church needs to address. TODAY’S LESSON
Timothy 4:6-7
THE LAND OF DISCONTENT Why is America called “The land of discontent”? What is the evidence of this? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE A SUSTAINING FAITHI have never seen a content
--Not in my family
--Not in professional atheists Does “Survival of the fittest”
produce contentment?
Faith can do amazing things in producing contentment. Matthew 17:20
12-Step programs
Luke 17:5: Look at Jesus’ response to their plea. Do not demand big faith things. Faith is something you work at Matthew 7:7
Deception is part of survival of the fittest. My mother taught me to lie.
Acts 24:16: Notice it is
something we do--exercise.
DISCONTENT: Hebrews 13:42 Corinthians 8:21 Galatians 6:19-26: Keys to
YOU’LL BELIEVE ANYTHING--TRUTH.Computer Analogy--Justification: Romans 5:1,9; 8:31; 3:24 Pilot “What is Truth?” John
We live in an age of relativism John 14:6: “I am the way,
the Truth and the life.”
John 1:17 John 1:1-14 Are you sure about Christ? The Bible?
In our Wednesday night class this past week on the miracles of Moses, we looked at God’s actions in defeating Pharaoh, and how the Israelites struggled with believing that God was in fact going to take care of them. As we finished Exodus 15, there is an incredible passage in verse 26 that applies to our world today in a very practical way. God says “If you will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord and do what is right in his sight and will give an ear to his commandments, I will allow none of the diseases to overcome you which I have brought upon the Egyptians.” Homosexuality, prostitution, extramarital sex, pedophilic behavior, premarital sex, and many other sexual practices which are in violation of God’s teaching were common place in ancient Egypt. The result was that syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, clamydia, papaloma, and a myriad of other diseases were rampant--not only in Egypt, but in most cultures of the day. What God tells the Israelites is that, if they will live by the rules and standards He has given them, they will not have these diseases to contend with. That same promise is true today. God has told us how we should conduct ourselves sexually, and if we will follow His teachings, we have no fear of the horrors of all of these diseases including AIDS. The government has just released health data which shows that 54 percent of all high-school-age girls in the United States have a sexually transmitted disease. That is not 54 percent of the sexually active girls as you might expect, but 54 percent of the population. As our population continues to deny the existence of God, and as Christianity and Christian values are denigrated by the media, we can only expect the disease rate to climb. It is critical that Christian parents talk to their children about the importance of knowing what God has told us about how to conduct ourselves sexually, and why living as God says is the only way to be free of the diseases associated with worldly standards. It is also important to convey to them that the best of sex is also found in doing it God’s way. --John Clayton |