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![]() TO OUR VISITORS The family of God here at Dowagiac Church of Christ wishes to extend to you a warm welcome. If you have questions about our worship services and why we do what we do, we will be glad to give you a biblical answer. The uniqueness of the Church of Christ is that we are trying to restore to the best of our ability those things that we see the first century Church doing. We are also working hard at building the spirit, unity, and love that Jesus taught and prayed for. We have no clergy, but are working together as equal co-workers trying to serve one another and the area in which we live. Come study with us, grow with us, and serve with us as we strive to do God’s will in all things. CLASSES
We have started new classes and want to encourage everyone to come and be a part of these new studies. On Sunday morning we are studying the parables of Jesus with Jim Harasewicz leading the class. On Wednesday night we are continuing a series of studies in Corinthians taught by John Clayton. These are important classes with a lot of information being conveyed. We encourage you to come and participate and make sure your kids come for their classes. FAMILY NEWS
It has been great to see Audrey Gibson
able to be out again. She is stlll in some pain, but making
progress. Ella Quick is
doing well and her tissue study was clear of cancer. The others
on a prayer list continue to hold their own, so keep them in your daily
prayers.This coming Tuesday there is a potluck at John Clayton's and you are invited. This is a monthly Bible study group which has been going on for over 20 years. Many from here, from Niles, and from the South Bend area come. We enjoy time together and then a short devotional/Bible study. Meat and drinks are provided, you bring a salad or dessert. We plan to eat at 6:00. If you need directions see John, Dave Pickens, or Karl Marcussen. TODAY’S LESSON
INTRODUCTION Your God is Too Small by J. B. Phillips How can God-
--TOO SMALL TO BE THE CREATOR?-create an egg?
-make oil in the ground? -heal my broken heart? -hear everyone's prayer at once? -save my marriage? -bring world peace? -_________________________? The "big bang"--shamayim--heaved
up things.
MIRACLES.Natah--stretched out--Isaiah 44:24; Jeremiah 10:12, 51:15 Genesis 1:1 Quantum mechanics--science of the singularity. Acts 17:22-28 Jesus Seminar--deny it if it is
too hard to believe.
--TOO SMALL TO BELIEVE HE CARES?Faith is not needed--John 9:1-3. Jesus had a purpose in His miracles, has a purpose for you. Acts 9:15-16--Chosen vessel--so are you. Is your God big enough to believe
Acts 17:28-30
-TOO SMALL TO BELIEVE IN PRAYERMatthew 10:29-30 "Jesus Loves Me This I Know" How can God listen to everyone at
FORGIVENESS?2 Peter 3:8--God has all of eternity to listen. Ephesians 4:32
SALVATION?1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Matthew 6:12-15--Conditional! Acts 2:37-39--"What shall we do?"
"Repent and be baptized ... For the PROMISE is unto you and to those in distant times and places ... ." Can God lie?--James 1:13 SMALL CONGREGATION LEADERSHIP
There are many problems unique to small congregations like this
one. There are also many advantages to congregations that are
small, which we enjoy here in Dowagiac. It is hard to get lost in
a place like this. My daughters both worship in congregations
with attendance in the thousands, and if they are absent no one
knows. Here we miss you every time you cannot make it to
services. It is also easier to address needs in a place like
this, because we become aware of needs very quickly. By the same
token we do not have a ten talent preacher, a full-time counselor, or a
person to direct and coordinate evangelism in the community.It is this last area that we have perhaps our greatest failing as a congregation. We are moving towards completion of the upgrading of our physical facility. Karl M. is finishing up the paper work to get a permit so we can blacktop the parking lot--something we expect to finish before snow flies. We also hope to repair and improve our sign so it looks fresh and cared for. We hope these improvements will say to the community that we are here to stay, we are growing and serving, and we intend to be a positive force in this area We had talked about having a booth at the Cass County Fair, but we never got far enough along early enough to do it. There is always a leadership crisis in a small congregation and we have one here at Dowagiac. Ideas and follow through cannot fall on one or two people. All of us have to assume leadership roles in one way or another, and there is a need for fresh ideas and people who will organize and carry those ideas through. Our next congregational planning meeting is scheduled for August 3rd after the potluck. Please plan to be there and bring an idea with you. We need 100 percent involvement in the work by everyone. We are too small for spectators, we all have to be in the game. More importantly, God calls each of us to spread the good news about Jesus to all men. |