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![]() TO OUR VISITORS The family of God here at Dowagiac Church of Christ wishes to extend to you a warm welcome. If you have questions about our worship services and why we do what we do, we will be glad to give you a biblical answer. The uniqueness of the Church of Christ is that we are trying to restore to the best of our ability those things that we see the first century Church doing. We are also working hard at building the spirit, unity, and love that Jesus taught and prayed for. We have no clergy, but are working together as equal co-workers trying to serve one another and the area in which we live. Come study with us, grow with us, and serve with us as we strive to do God’s will in all things. FAMILY NEWS
POTLUCK TODAY! THIS CONGREGATION LOVES TO EAT AND LOVES BEING TOGETHER. Please plan to stay today and enjoy our monthly fellowship meal together. The first century church did this every Sunday. It is a time to be with good people and enjoy God's blessings together. If you did not bring anything, do not worry about it. We ALWAYS have food left over. Please stay and enjoy this time with us. NEW CLASSES START TONIGHT. As we start this new year we are also starting new classes. Tonight we will begin a series of lessons which involve "Strange and Wonderful Bible Stories with Answers." Our first class to night will be on 2 Corinthians 12:1-11, where Paul talks about having an OBE (out of the body experience). What did he have and do we have it today? How do we explain strange experiences like this, and those who claim to have them in the twenty-first century. We will have these classes on Sunday nights and Wednesday nights through January and February, and we will investigate claims about contradictions in the Bible as well as modem day challenges to the truthfulness of the Bible. If you are on the Web you know that assaults on the Bible are a daily event on the Web. Our children see these things in the media as well as on the Web and we need to give answers to these claims. Join us at 6:00 tonight and 7:15 on Wednesdays. Our Sunday morning class will also be changing, but information is not available to me as I type this. Jim Harasewicz has been doing a great job on the Parables of Jesus, but that will be ending soon. It is always a good class, so come and study with us. TODAY’S LESSON
Are you the best of the lousy, or
the lousiest of the best?
Jesus calls us to not be
mediocre--Matthew 22:34-40Our culture pushes us to be average-- At home.
"Keep up with the Joneses."
At school."They're doing it." - C is good.
On the job.- I don't want to be a geek or nerd. - Union limits.
Church.- Do what I have to. - Don't do too much--get labeled.
- No one else is doing that. ALL our heart--Colossians 3:17.
Christians cannot be mediocre
in--Physical strength goes where?
ALL our soul--Luke 12:311 Corinthians 10:31--drink,
dress, actions.
ALL our minds--2 Timothy 2:15 Where is your mind?Matthew 28:1-28--Compare verse 21
with 23. Message?
Their work--1 Thessalonians
What have you got to show for
your life?Their education--Paul--Acts 17:11. Their worship--Revelation 3: 15 - 16 How much should I
Do I have to go to Church?--Mediocrity. I know as much as ... --Mediocrity. How much do we prepare for worship? Our homes should radiate our
We should be the most conscientious student in class. We cannot be average in our work. We should be the best employee the boss has. Our worship should be prepared for. "But 1 can't ... " "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" "Bear ye one another's burdens." HAPPY NEW YEAR
As we start 2009 and look back at 2008, there are a lot of things that have to jump out at us. The year 2008 was quite a year for this congregation. A great deal was accomplished in terms of improvements on our physical plant--the parking lot was paved, finishing the drop off area, and generally improving the ease with which our building can be accessed. The carpeting was finished and the bathrooms repaired along with the installation of a water softener. The sign was rebuilt and repaired and some painting was done. Our classrooms were improved and the water problems were addressed. A great deal of benevolence work was done in 2008. We have given away a number of coats and gloves to children in the county who needed winter wear. There have been a number of food needs supplied throughout the year. A number of special family needs have been addressed with visits and encouragements, and some special work has been done in supporting the prison work and child care work. We have had four different programs to encourage and support members and visitors--two by the ladies and two by the men. Nearly 1000 of the Testaments we have have been distributed. The Does God Exist? ministry sponsored by this congregation has had a remarkable year--a report on that ministry will be distributed later this month. Our thanks to everyone who has been a part of all that has done. What is especially encouraging about all of this is that no one person has been involved in this. The whole congregation has been a part of planning, working, and supporting all that has gone on. The level of work of this congregation is more than any group I have ever known or been a part of. The year 2009 has some great things in the works. Plans are ongoing for participating in the Cass County Fair. There will be a regional Does God Exist? program in August. Special needs programs are being discussed, and a number of contacts in the community will continue to be made. Our society is going through some tough times, and opportunities to serve will undoubtedly increase in this New Year. Be a part of our work, and start the New Year by being here for every class and service! |