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![]() TO OUR VISITORS The family of God here at Dowagiac Church of Christ wishes to extend to you a warm welcome. If you have questions about our worship services and why we do what we do, we will be glad to give you a biblical answer. The uniqueness of the Church of Christ is that we are trying to restore to the best of our ability those things that we see the first century Church doing. We are also working hard at building the spirit, unity, and love that Jesus taught and prayed for. We have no clergy, but are working together as equal co-workers trying to serve one another and the area in which we live. Come study with us, grow with us, and serve with us as we strive to do God’s will in all things. FAMILY NEWS
FAIR IDEAS. We have a proposal for the Cass County Fair booth prepared. If you have not looked at it, there are copies on the first pew for you to 1ook at. If you have a completely dIfferent idea, bring it to us and let us look at it. By February 1 we need to either have this idea approved or a different idea approved so we can start getting matenals and work done to prepare the booth. WEDNESDAY NIGHT WEATHER. This past Wednesday night we cancelled class at the last minute because of weather conditions. Some of us drive long distances to get to class, and a decision needs to be made by 5:00 to make sure someone does not come and find the class has been cancelled. We have a procedure in place on this. We have established a telephone chain by which everyone who normally attends will be called if the class is cancelled due to weather. If you are normally not able to come and decide you can come, be sure to call Bill Gibson or John Clayton after 5:00 to make sure we are having class. FEBRUARY 1--POTLUCK AND BUSINESS MEETING. We plan to make a final decision about the fair exhibit at this meetmg, and talk about some other outreach plans for the congregation here. We need everyone's input and ideas. This past year has been one of work on the facility and we need to turn our attention on the community now. If you did not get a copy of the Does God Exist? ministry report for the year 2008, see John Clayton or Karl Marcussen and they will get you one. TODAY’S LESSON
John 15:1-8 INTRODUCTION Grape growing was a big deal in
ancient Palestine.
UNPRODUCTIVE VINES ARE DESTROYED.Everyone knew how to take care of grape vines. Wild grapes are not made for
God made plants like animals--they can be tamed.Birds do not care--they want quantity. Pruning is a major part of
growing grapes.
Energy of the plant goes into what it has. Over pruning is very hard to do. Branches that do not bear are
taken away.
(KATHAIRO).Withered branches are generally diseased. Draw energy from the plant but do
not produce.
In Corinth hurtful, immoral people were withdrawn from-- 1 Corinthians
5:5--real purpose.People are like that--givers versus takers (users). Users never have a good life--we need independ. Cleansed
HOW ARE WE PRUNED?Pruning produces large clusters of fruit. Are lives need to be fruitful. Romans 8:28--
WAY.Marriage can prune us.
Hebrews 12:4-11--Look at verse 11 carefully.A baby can prune us. These things CAN be misused! Each of us has a testimony on
this point.
God does not promise we will not have problems.How will you react to pruning? Relationship that has gone bad? Rebuild or trash it? Lost your job? Go back to school? Get help? Get mad? He does promise help.
Matthew 11:28-29
DON'T EAT YOUR SPINACH Do you remember being forced to eat your spinach as a kid? I remember my mother going nuts to get spinach down me because it would "make you big and strong." I was never allowed to buy comic books (at five cents they were too expensive), but my mom bought a "Popeye" comic book, and I had to read it constantly and tell her how Popeye got so strong that he could beat up Bluto. Actually "Popeye" was employed by the U.S. Government in World War II to promote eating spinach. Meat was a scarce commodity in the war, and spinach was believed to be a good substitute. In the 1890s a study had come out reporting that spinach had the same amount of iron as meat, and iron of course, is one if the essential minerals in building strength. It turns out that the scientific study was wrong. The researchers put a decimal in the wrong place when they did their research and over-estimated the amount of iron in spinach by a factor of 10. Spinach is good for you, but not as good as we were all told. The point is not to denigrate spinach, but to point out how easy it is to get a false idea accepted as absolute truth. All my life I have believed that spinach was a nearly perfect food that would give me great strength, and that is not true. The same thing happens in the Church. It is not uncommon for Christians to give unquestionable status to beliefs that in fact may not be in the Bible. We should never be afraid to go back and ask why we do what we do or believe what we believe. When we do that, we cannot lose. Either our investigation will show that what is being done is true and our involvement in that activity will be strengthened, or we will find a better way to do it! Either way our understanding and application of God's Word will only be improved. Our Sunday morning class beginning February 1 will be on the book of James, taught by Larry Brewer. That book is the most practical book on Christian living in the Bible. Our Wednesday and Sunday evening studies involve the credibility of the Bible and how we deal with claims that the Bible is full or error. Come and join us in these wonderful studies. |