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![]() TO OUR VISITORS The family of God here at Dowagiac Church of Christ wishes to extend to you a warm welcome. If you have questions about our worship services and why we do what we do, we will be glad to give you a biblical answer. The uniqueness of the Church of Christ is that we are trying to restore to the best of our ability those things that we see the first century Church doing. We are also working hard at building the spirit, unity, and love that Jesus taught and prayed for. We have no clergy, but are working together as equal co-workers trying to serve one another and the area in which we live. Come study with us, grow with us, and serve with us as we strive to do God’s will in all things. FAMILY NEWS
FAIR IDEAS. We have a proposal for the Cass County Fair booth prepared. If you have not looked at it, there are copies on the first pew for you to 1ook at. If you have a completely dIfferent idea, bring it to us and let us look at it. By February 1 we need to either have this idea approved or a different idea approved so we can start getting matenals and work done to prepare the booth. WEDNESDAY NIGHT WEATHER. This past Wednesday night we cancelled class at the last minute because of weather conditions. Some of us drive long distances to get to class, and a decision needs to be made by 5:00 to make sure someone does not come and find the class has been cancelled. We have a procedure in place on this. We have established a telephone chain by which everyone who normally attends will be called if the class is cancelled due to weather. If you are normally not able to come and decide you can come, be sure to call Bill Gibson or John Clayton after 5:00 to make sure we are having class. NEXT SUNDAY--POTLUCK AND BUSINESS MEETING. We have a chili and salad potluck planned for next Sunday. If you have not gotten a copy of the menu and what different families are to bring see Donna, or bring a dessert. We need to talk about the fair project and the roof over the fellowship area, so we need everyone to plan to stay. THANKS--to J.R. for getting the sign up and running. It is a HUGE improvement and has gotten community attention. TODAY’S LESSON
INTRODUCTION--There are some things God will not do. Create a rock so big He cannot
move it.
JESUS DID NOT MEET HIS OWN NEEDS.Cause Himself to cease to exist. God cannot lie (Numbers 23: 19). God cannot do evil (James 1:13). The question is NOT what CAN God do. What God does not do and what Jesus did not do tells us a lot about God. Hebrews 4:15--"Jesus was tempted
in all ways as are we ... ."
CONVERT THE HARD HEARTED.Hunger--Luke 4:3-4; Mark 11:12 Thirst--John 19:28 Jesus addressed the needs of the masses and ignored His own needs--Mark 6:30-44. "If I can see a miracle I will
believe." Believe what?
RESPONSE TO A CHALLENGE--Matthew 12:38-41.Luke 19:37--Praise God for miracles, then crucify Jesus. Matthew 13:55-58--Did not do miracles because of faith. Luke 10:20--"Don't rejoice in the miracles ... ." Jews assume miracles equals
authority. Same today.
OBEY HIM.John 2:18-22--"What miracles can you show us?" Mark 15:30--"Come down ... save yourself." Luke 9:54--"Call down fire from heaven and destroy them. Free will is part of God's system
for man--our human-ness.
JESUS DID NOT END THE CRUCIFIXIONDeuteronomy 30:15-20 John 7:17 Love cannot exist without choice. Matthew 26:52-53
THE MESSAGE TO YOU AND TO MEMatthew 27 What is Jesus known for? What is Muhammad known for. God will not force us--to obey,
to live as we should.
2 Peter 3:9--God's wish is love, be saved, live successfully. CAN A NON-BELIEVER BE MORAL I have mentioned to you in various lessons and articles that for most of my life my parents were not believers in God. One of the funnier family stories that ended up in a pretty good argument happened when my mother's dog Bitsy came into heat. There were an assortment of male dogs hanging around the back door, and one afternoon one of the male dogs broke through the screen door and mated with my mother's dog. My mother was appalled and upset and called me claiming that Bitsy had been raped. That precipitated a family debate, because I maintained that rape was impossible in a dog. In the heat of the argument one of my brothers said "Where does your morality come from, anyway?" My answer of course was from the Bible--from God. "Where does yours come from?" I retorted. My father was a college professor, and his response was "Morality is a progressive philosophy of life, without theism, that affirms our responsibility to lead ethical lives of value to self and humanity." This is right out of the American Humanist Association advertising, and it does not work. What do we mean by "ethical lives." What might be of value to me might not be of value to you. What might benefit me could be terribly detrimental to society. Do I even know what really is of value to me? Every unwed mother, every illegal alien, every stock market broker thought at the time they did what got them into trouble, that what they were doing was of value to them. What is ethical in Dowagiac might not be considered ethical in Nigeria and visa versa. Modern moralities have no capacity to know what the ultimate results will be of their decisions. Changing moral standards have plunged this country into a quagmire of selfish conduct that threatens everything from our physical well being to our existence as a country. Second Timothy 3:16-17 tells us that God's standard of morality has all we need to be complete. Romans 3:10,12, and 23 tells us it is beyond man to know what is ethical and moral--that on our own we do not have the capacity to be moral. The Church offers the only workable guide as to how we should live. |