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![]() TO OUR VISITORS The family of God here at Dowagiac Church of Christ wishes to extend to you a warm welcome. If you have questions about our worship services and why we do what we do, we will be glad to give you a biblical answer. The uniqueness of the Church of Christ is that we are trying to restore to the best of our ability those things that we see the first century Church doing. We are also working hard at building the spirit, unity, and love that Jesus taught and prayed for. We have no clergy, but are working together as equal co-workers trying to serve one another and the area in which we live. Come study with us, grow with us, and serve with us as we strive to do God’s will in all things. FAMILY NEWS
SPECIAL PRESENTATION TONIGHT. For the past three months we have been studying challenges to the inspiration of the Bible. We have looked at claimed contradictions and difficult questions like homosexuality, what hell is like, reincarnation, OBE experiences, etc. Tonight John Clayton will present one of the PowerPoint presentations that he does in his regular Does God Exist? series on the validity of the Genesis account. This is a visual presentation on how the fossil record and the biblical record relate to each other--and how they agree. Many people find this an especially interesting and sometimes perplexing subject, and it is certainly very much in line with what we have been doing in our class. This will be the final class in this series. NEW CLASSES. You will be getting a change in classes and in teachers starting this Wednesday. Already Larry Brewer is teaching the adult class on Sunday morning on James, and Bill Gibson will be starting a class this next Wednesday night on prophecy. There will also be new presenters on Sunday morning and Sunday night for the next several months as John Clayton will be traveling on Does God Exist? lectureships. Be sure to come and encourage and support our speakers. You will learn, be encouraged, get a new voice and perspective, and encourage them. On April 8 Glynn Langston will be here to meet with the congregation. Glynn is a blind evangelist who has a ministry to the blind that is worldwide in scope. He has been a missionary in France and Ireland, speaks five languages, and has an incredible personality. Do not miss this chance to meet an incredible man. TODAY’S LESSON
INTRODUCTION--What is your prayer life like? Personal
MEAN?"Has your prayer life been shaken by God saying "no?" It is not a seal on our
prayer--like "yours truly"
SPIRIT.What right do I have to talk to the creator of the cosmos? John 14:6 John 14:13-14--Jesus tells us to use that authority John 16:23-24 The "Gold Cadillac syndrome" Does not mean to get
emotional and cry--but that is OK
GOD.Ephesians 6:18 Prayer is not mindless word
Jude 1:20--Do what it takes to build yourself upNote "All kinds of prayers" Talking to God like a friend is OK. Slang is OK. Prayer is a heart thing. Prayer
is not bending God to our will, but conforming our will to His.
WE ARE TO PRAY IN OBEDIENCE.Romans 12:1-2 When God says "no" there is
always a reason.
Examples of "No answers".Senseless death can be senseless because we do not know the future. Our purpose in existing must not be destroyed. Nothing is wrong to ask for, but many things are wrong to expect. Luke 12:13-15--Maybe there
was a good reason.
Matthew 20:20-21--Politics has no place in Church. Matthew 26:39--God's purpose trumps desire. 1 John 3:21-22
Psalm 66:18 Isaiah 59:1-4 1 Sam 8:18
Note: In Psalms "cherish sins." Sin does not make us unheard. Cherishing it does. 1 Peter 3:7--Ever try to pray with a mad wife? Mark 11:25-26--Grudges hinder our prayers. How can we expect anything but "no" when we refuse to obey God? PLANS--REPORT ON LAST SUNDAY'S
A lot was accomplished last
Sunday, as we looked at things that need to be accomplished during
2009. Our thanks to everyone who stayed and contributed ideas and
suggestions concerning these projects. Here is a report on the
projects which I encourage you to read so everyone is informed about
what is going on and why. Not everything suggested is here, but
we will consider all the ideas that were presented and arrive at a
decision together.
FAIR PROJECT: No one has offered any other ideas about a fair exhibit, so we plan to go with the proposal that was given in February. No one has volunteered so far to make professional signs for the exhibit, so the price sheet that was distributed will be followed and we will get that started as soon as we finalize the three panels. Be sure to save August 2-8 on your calendar so we will have workers to man the booth. BENEVOLENCE: We have decided to work with Second Harvest to get commodities that can be stored here at the building and used to help people in need get food. We have met with Second Harvest Gleaners and all paper work has been completed. We are waiting for an inspection of our building to get final approval on where we can set up storage and distribution. There are several ways to get the fact that we have food available out to the community, the most immediate being local information agencies and our fair booth. As soon as arrangements with the Second Harvest people are completed and we get certified we will set this into operation. FACILITY WORK: We have some heat-loss issues and water issues to deal with as far as our building is concerned. Our fuel bill in January was some $500 and seating and water problems in the basement and fellowship area make it mandatory that we do a few things. The men have looked at what is causing the water problems, checking the insulation and the roof, and looking into putting a cover over the baptistry. Prices are being secured for a new back door and new windows. We also are designing a post or wall to set off the entrance to the parking lot to assist plowing and avoid people driving across the lawn. A walk will be poured between the parking area and discharge area on the south side of the building. |