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![]() TO OUR VISITORS The family of God here at Dowagiac Church of Christ wishes to extend to you a warm welcome. If you have questions about our worship services and why we do what we do, we will be glad to give you a biblical answer. The uniqueness of the Church of Christ is that we are trying to restore to the best of our ability those things that we see the first century Church doing. We are also working hard at building the spirit, unity, and love that Jesus taught and prayed for. We have no clergy, but are working together as equal co-workers trying to serve one another and the area in which we live. Come study with us, grow with us, and serve with us as we strive to do God’s will in all things. FAMILY NEWS
POTLUCK AND IMPORTANT MEETING TODAY. This is the first Sunday of the month, and the day of our monthly potluck. Plan to stay and enjoy good food, and good fellowship. After the meal we will have a business meeting to accomplish a number of things. There is some work that is needed on the building and the yard. Our Food Bank work is going well, and there is a need to establish some procedures and rules for how we meet the needs of those who come to us. Meetings like this serve two purposes. They inform everyone of what is going on and why. They provide an opportunity for everyone to have input and participatIon in the work the Church does. Remember, this is not the Church of those who serve on Sunday morning--this is the Church of Christ--it belongs to Jesus. We are all just his workers and all of us need to be involved. LITERATURE. There are numerous publications with good Christian messages and teachings in them in the lobby in the tract rack and on the table as well as old bulletins. Please take these home and leave them out for family and guests to read. All of that material is there for you to take, so please use it and make it available to others. Remember that we also still have the New Testaments available for you to give to family and friends. REMEMBER OUR CLASSES tonight at 6:00 and Wednesday at 7:15. These classes get into some of the critical challenging issues of our day, so we can all learn by coming!
call--Revelation 3:20--"Behold I stand at the door and knock." How has
that changed?
The choice--Joshua 24: 15--"But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve." How has that changed? You only have
two choices--serve or do not serve.
consequences--Mark 16:15-16--"Whosoever believes and is baptized will
be saved, but whosoever does not believe will be condemned." How has
that changed?
LET HIM DENY HIMSELFMatthew 26:42--after verse 39
"Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me." "Thy will be
AND TAKE UP HIS CROSS DAILYHow has that changed?
Matthew 22:36-7--Look at the involvement! "Love the Lord."What is our attitude when difficulties come in life? Did Jesus blame God? Did Jesus get angry? Did Jesus Immerse himself in self pity? Physically, spiritually,
mentally--How has that changed?
Christianity is not a one day a
week thing!
Philippians 3:10--"I want to know
AND FOLLOW MEHow has that changed?
Ambitions--plans for the future--age 16 versus now?Psalm 119:9--Why? What works? How
has that changed?
What does it mean to have a "pure
Psalm 143:10--What is "level ground?"How important is a pure heart to relationships? Isaiah 56:8 Jesus is involved.
We do not have a general barking orders from a command post who is un-involved. Note--"Follow me." To lead you have to outwork the troops--Jesus did Hebrews 4:14-15--"was in all points tempted as we." John 13:12-15--"I have given you an example." FIVE
Next Sunday is "Mother's Day," and we will be seeing floods of commercial pressure to buy gifts for our mothers. Social scientists tell us that here are five ways humans express love and that humans are unique in using all five. Think about how your mother does or used to express her love for you and you will find that for most of us, she did all of the things that these modern scholars tell us a human can do to express her love for you: WORD--John 3:16. How many times did your mother say "I love you?" God has told us this over and over in His Word. GIFTS--John 3:16. God gave us His Son. Think of all the things your mother gave to you, and how she blessed your life. ACTS OF SERVICE--Acts 9:36-39. Remember Dorcas and what she did. God has provided for every need we have. Think of all your mother did, from meals to laundry, to transportation, to listening to you when you were upset. TOUCH--How many times did Jesus touch people? We sing "He touched me" and mom's hand on our shoulder in tough times meant so much. UALITY OF TIME--Acts 17:28--"We live and move and have our being" in God. Think of how many times mom put aside what she was doing to listen, help, console, and support us. Not all of us had mothers who were believers, and as a result we may not have experienced these things. If you did have a Christian mother who did these languages of love, she radiated the love that God intended for us when He told us to love one another. If you are fortunate enough to have your mother still alive, let me encourage you to do all five of these languages of love to your mom this week. Let her now how much you love her. If your mom is no longer accessible to you, be thankful for the past and think about how you can bless others from your current role using the languages of love. Jesus prayed that we would love one another, and He gave us an example of how to do it. |