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![]() TO OUR VISITORS The family of God here at Dowagiac Church of Christ wishes to extend to you a warm welcome. If you have questions about our worship services and why we do what we do, we will be glad to give you a biblical answer. The uniqueness of the church of Christ is that we are trying to restore to the best of our ability those things that we see the first century church doing. We are also working hard at building the spirit, unity, and love that Jesus taught and prayed for. We have no clergy, but are working together as equal co-workers trying to serve one another and the area in which we live. Come study with us, grow with us, and serve with us as we strive to do God’s will in all things. FAMILY NEWS
POTLUCK NEXT SUNDAY. Our monthly potluck next Sunday is being titled "We're Gonna-Have-A-Picnic Potluck." People have volunteered or been assigned hamburgers, hotdogs, potato salad, deviled eggs, cheese, relish, baked beans, cherry cheesecake, dirt dessert, and condiments. If you haven't been gIven one of these to bring, then we are hoping you'll bring chips and dip, munchies, and additional desserts. Plan to come and enjoy the day with us. . FATHER'S DAY BRUNCH. Saturday, June 20, the ladies of the congregation are having a "Father's Day Brunch." We live in a world where a lot of men are afraid of commitment and fail in their God given roles as fathers. We want to honor every father associated with the church here with this time together. It will be at 10:00 and we urge everyone to come and bring a father--yours or someone else's so we can thank them and honor them. REMEMBER OUR CLASSES. We have new classes going now, and there have already been some good material brought out and some faith building lessons learned. Karl Marcussen is leading our Sunday morning class with a series of lessons on prayer. Our Sunday mght class with John Clayton is on the book of Hebrews, a book many of us have never studied that deeply. Bill Gibson continues to lead us in our study of prophecy in the Old Testament and how it was fulfilled in the New Testament. See the last article below for more on this. WHEN
We tend to focus on Peter's
WATERMatthew 16:22--He rebukes Jesus.
Lots of times Peter gets it right.Matthew 17:4--He equates Jesus with Moses and Elijah. John 13:8--Refuses to let Jesus wash his feet. John 18:10--Misunderstands the kingdom. Matthew 26:69-75--Denies Christ three times. Galatians 2:11-14--Gave in to Jewish pressure. Matthew 14:27-29
16:13-20Other disciples think of every other explanation (verse 26). We tend to credit everything but
Would you have stepped out of the boat?Peter says "If it is you ... ." Peter gives the first confession
we should all make.
18:21.Verse 17 says it came from God. Verse 18 tells us how important this is! Verse 20 all the disciples are given the key--as are we. How important is forgiveness?
Matthew 6:12.
NEED TO SEE.Only conditional promise.
John 6:66-69.
TAKE HEART--No matter how
many times you get it wrong, you CAN get it right.They had the same choices we do--where do you go? Peter takes the leadership--Acts 1:15-22; 2:14-41. Proclaims that salvation is only in Christ--Acts 4:12. What is it about Peter that is
--his honesty.
Will you follow his example? --his willingness to act on what he knows is true. --his boldness. --his humanness. --his child-like impetuous nature. ATHEISM COMES
This congregation has a heavy involvement in the Does God Exist? ministry. What this ministry does is to provide evidence for the existence of God and for that validity of the Christian system. For the most part this ministry has been functioning in places where atheism has a strong foothold, and so most of our programs and outreaches have been in metropolitan areas and on university and college campuses. In these lectureships we always have opposition from various atheists groups, and we have daily exchanges via the internet with atheists and skeptics from all over the world. Militant atheists have now started a midwest campaign. Because of the presence of the University of Notre Dame in our area, South Bend has been named a target city. A bus campaign from the American Humanist Association will start running ads on the panels of buses in South Bend titled "You can be good without God" this next month. In Chicago the ads will be placed saying "In the beginning, man created God." In the past this has always turned out to be an opportunity for us to share our message that science and faith agree and support each other, so it will be interesting to see how this ad campaign turns out. Our fair booth to be in the Cass County Fair in August will have a thrust at this subject and this may make our booth attractive to many people who are not sure how to answer the atheist challenges that are coming. We plan to start setting up this exhibit and accumulating handouts in the fellowship area later this month, so you will be able to see what we have and how we plan to make the community aware of how this congregation can serve the area. We also will have a retreat lectureship in August right after the fair. |