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![]() TO OUR VISITORS The family of God here at Dowagiac Church of Christ wishes to extend to you a warm welcome. If you have questions about our worship services and why we do what we do, we will be glad to give you a biblical answer. The uniqueness of the church of Christ is that we are trying to restore to the best of our ability those things that we see the first century church doing. We are also working hard at building the spirit, unity, and love that Jesus taught and prayed for. We have no clergy, but are working together as equal co-workers trying to serve one another and the area in which we live. Come study with us, grow with us, and serve with us as we strive to do God’s will in all things. FAMILY NEWS
FAIR EXHIBIT: August 2-8 this congregation will have an exhibit at the Cass County Fair. Larry Fox is building the structure and the banners and signs are in process. Larry Brewer is getting t-shirts with the Church identification on it for us to wear so people will know we are part of the exhibit. We will begin to set up the exhibit here in the auditorium, and we are collecting the free materials we will distribute and getting them ready. The theme of the exhibit is "Know Why You Believe What You Believe" and we are serving people at three levels--our Does God Exist? materials, our food service for people who are in need, and our Bible study program. What we REALLY need is for you to plan to work the booth during that week. EVERYONE needs to be involved, because one or two people cannot be there the whole time the booth is open. There is a sign up sheet in the lobby on the bulletin board. You do not have to know anything except how to smile and welcome people. We will be serving and giving to the community, trying to be what the first century Church was. On Sunday August 2 after our potluck we will have a very short instruction meeting to tell you what to do and how to do it. We will also get materials on how to enter the fair to you. AUGUST 10-14: Also mark your calendar for the next week when we will have a Does God Exist? summer seminar and evening series at Michiana Christian Service Camp on M-140. You can attend the day sessions, night sessions, or both. This is an opportunity to see what this ministry is about and how it functions. TODAY'S
INTRODUCTION America is now 233 years old.
Lots of things are wrong, alot
more is right.
One of the huge blessings we have in America is freedom.Freedom is a major theme in the
Exodus 21:2--"Chophshi"--freedom
from slavery.
WILLINGNESS. In the New Testament freedom from slavery is encouraged. Not commanded
Slavery was justified by evolution--rejection of Bible. Book of Philemon--Onesimus The Christian system advocates ultimate freedom--Galatians 3 :28. There are no second class
citizens in the Church.
2 Chronicles 29:31--"free
2 Corinthians 9:7--What is a "cheerful giver"? Refers to giving, being liberal, free from material greed. We never find joy until we can
turn loose of things.
Psalm 51:12--"free spirit"--willing, joyfully givmg.Being enslaved by things is just that--slavery. Is your spirit free?
In the New Testament God puts no
strings on faith.
FROM SINIn Old Testament one strike and
you're out.
Greek word "eleutheros" to be at liberty, able to choose. God wants us to come to Him out of love, not fear. Romans 6:14-18--Does not mean we
will not sin.
John 8:31-36--Sin brings a lack of freedom. Galatians 6:7--Consequences do not equal enslavement Freedom from sin means security We all sin--John 1:8. Jesus'
blood cleanses us--1 John 1:5ff.
Freedom removes all human sources of conflict--Galatians 3:28.Paul struggled with sin--Romans 7:15-8:1. Read 8:1. You do not have to worry!! You are free!! Matthew 24:6-13--People reject God, bring enslavement. Are you enslaved or free ?
Be independent of Satan and sin! AMERICA'S
This is a weekend during which our
nation celebrates its origin, and while this is a difficult time in our
nation's history, there is still a lot to be thankful for. Christianity
has always thrived during hard times. The conditions of the common man
during the first century were atrocious. The Roman government was
totalitarian and brutal, and the Jews were about to revolt which in
fact what they did, precipitating a horrific Roman response--chaos in
the Middle East is not new. Slavery was the norm and women were objects
that men owned, with human rights being a concept that was unknown.
Issues about taxes, immoral government rules, and persecution of
Christians were at the front of every disciple's thinking.
It is in this setting that the Church was established and grew. Jesus made it clear that Christianity was not a political system and in Matthew 22:15-22 made it clear that what was Caesar's belonged to him and what was God's belonged to God. Christianity is not an American institution, and while we celebrate the independence of our great country and the start of the freedom we enjoy, we need to remember that Christianity functioned in the horrible dictatorship of Rome. In spite of the excesses of the Roman government, Paul made it clear in Romans 13:1-7 that Christians are to obey the law and recognize that God has given civil rule to promote order and structure in society. We can change the government and the world by our teaching, example, and service. We are not to be involved in bombing abortion clinics, or killing people we think are doing something morally wrong. Matthew 5:21-25 and 38-48 tell us how to conduct ourselves in the world in which we live, and the advice will bless us and those who surround us. I have a friend named George Hack who is a citizen of the United States and also a citizen of Canada--he has dual citizenship. He has benefits in both countries and thus is doubly blessed. You and I have dual citizenship too--we are citizens of this great country and enjoy the benefits of that citizenship, but we are also citizens of God's Kingdom and have the promise of eternal life in a relationship with the Creator that brings the ultimate joy and peace. |