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![]() TO OUR VISITORS The family of God here at Dowagiac Church of Christ wishes to extend to you a warm welcome. If you have questions about our worship services and why we do what we do, we will be glad to give you a biblical answer. The uniqueness of the church of Christ is that we are trying to restore to the best of our ability those things that we see the first century church doing. We are also working hard at building the spirit, unity, and love that Jesus taught and prayed for. We have no clergy, but are working together as equal co-workers trying to serve one another and the area in which we live. Come study with us, grow with us, and serve with us as we strive to do God’s will in all things. FAMILY NEWS
POTLUCK NEXT WEEK. Next Sunday is potluck. There is no theme for this get together, so bring anything you want and let us enjoy a special end of the summer time together. Come and be a part of this--good food, great fun, and time to talk about and plan for the future work of the church here. PEOPLE NEWS. Madge Harasewicz has been having a number of problems including a broken bone in her foot. She has returned to the care facility where she lives and seems to be doing OK. Patty's mom is doing about as well as can be expected. She is at Bill and Patty's. Ruth Sullivan, who Julie and Karl have been looking after for a very long time, is very near the end of her life at the time I am writing this. (She passed away Saturday afternoon, August 29, 2009.) Her family is present and plans have been made for John and Karl and family to participate in her funeral. Ruth worked for Does God Exist? for many years and was the wife of one of the elders at the Donmoyer Avenue Church of Christ. We rejoice with the family that her suffering and frustrations are finally over and that she is with Lord she loves and has served so faithfully for so many years. She was such an incredible example for so many of us, and leaves behind three faithful children and a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren. Keep the family in your prayers. TODAY'S
INTRODUCTION--Encounter--unexpected event. Close Encounter of the Third
Kind, etc.
THE STORY-- Jesus always brought encounters to His followers. A dinner given in Jesus' honor
(John 12:1-6).
LESSON 1--Jesus will take you to
difficult places.Given at the home of Simon the Leper (Matthew 26:6-13) Martha served, Lazarus threatened, reclined(John) Mary takes nard, a Himalayan exquisite perfume worth a year's wages (Mark 14:3-9). Used to annoint kings. Breaks it and pours it on Jesus' head (Matthew), then on his feet (John) and dries His feet with her hair. Judas complains (John), affects other disciples (Matthew) who rebuke Mary sharply (Mark). Notice how easily the disciples were led! Jesus steps in and defends Mary, rebuking the disciples. Simon the Leper--outcast,
LESSON 2--Jesus will ask you to
do radical things.Our lot--the outcasts of society--senior with dimentia, etc. This of what Mary did.
LESSON 3--Jesus will rebuke when
we act inappropriately.What radical thing is God asking you to do? Have you ever been criticized for
what you do?
Christianity is about radicalness. Matthew 18:15-17
LESSON 4--Jesus will cause us to
make a choice.Amos 4:6-13--How is your life? Frustrated? Guilty? Nothing is working? Personal devotions not happening. Have no ministry? Unhappy with role in life? Matthew 6:4
LESSON 5--Jesus will be our
refuge in the midst of chaos.Matthew 12:30 Luke 11:23 Matthew 26:14-16--Judas made a choice. Mary chose Jesus and everything
else followed.
Her story is history.
What storms and chaos are in your life? Have an encounter with Jesus Christ--break the jar. Obedience is breaking the jar The
Lord's Church in Dowagiac
This past Sunday night, a group of
us ended up at a local eatery as we do most evenings after classes
and/or worship. We encourage everyone in the congregation to join us.
You do not have to eat anything, just come and be a part of the
discussions and fellowship. In this case a number of folks who have
been around since this congregation was established started recalling
what has happened in the past and how this congregation came into
existence. There have been a lot of ups and downs, but the Lord has
brought us to a unique time--not just for us here at M-51, but for the
Church in this whole region.
One of the things that God gave the Church was a plan to minimize the affects of human stupidity. It is a fact of life that humans have a tendency to allow selfishness, arrogance, a desire for power, egotism, greed, and ignorance to destroy good things--be it politics, education, or Church. That has been the case in the Church from the time of the apostles on. The Church in Corinth was having problems of such severity that we have two books in the New Testament that address those problems. It has also been the case in the Michiana area. What God did was that when He gave the plan for the Church, He established each congregation with its own local leadership and independence, so that what happened in one location does not impact other locations. Problems in Niles, St. Joseph, or Benton Harbor cannot affect the Church here, because we are independent of these other congregations. We can enjoy the brethren in these locations, but we function independently and determine our own work and our own service to God. This congregation has all the ingredients for success. There is love and harmony among our members. We have been able to avoid issues, and our study and our preaching has been totally on God's word--not human opinions or traditions. We have financial stability, our facility is paid for, and we are structured so that no one is in a position of control or power. It is important that we work to preserve these charactenstics. We must welcome anyone who comes to us, and strive to not allow issues to divide us. We must not elevate anyone of us to any position of esteem or power. Satan will not leave us alone. He will send situations and individuals to divide us and destroy us as we do God's work. We must strive to stay united and focused on serving our God. |