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![]() TO OUR VISITORS The family of God here at Dowagiac Church of Christ wishes to extend to you a warm welcome. If you have questions about our worship services and why we do what we do, we will be glad to give you a biblical answer. The uniqueness of the church of Christ is that we are trying to restore to the best of our ability those things that we see the first century church doing. We are also working hard at building the spirit, unity, and love that Jesus taught and prayed for. We have no clergy, but are working together as equal co-workers trying to serve one another and the area in which we live. Come study with us, grow with us, and serve with us as we strive to do God’s will in all things. FAMILY NEWS
JULY 11--SPECIAL DAY! One of the things that has been going on for a very long time in the Michiana area is the area wide singings. The practice began as small congregations were established in various towns throughout the region, and people missed being together with other Christians and having a time of singing and fellowship. For many years congregations would have a Sunday program that they would invite all of their sister congregations to attend. People would come and plan to spend several hours singing hymns and praying together, and then enjoying a period of fellowship--usually with refreshments. We plan to bring everyone together here at our building on July 11 at 5:00 p.m. to restore that practice. Please mark it on your calendars and save that time. We will need workers, but mostly we need the Church here to tum out and welcome our visitors to a wonderful day of worship and fellowship. AUGUST 1-7--SPECIAL WEEK! Last summer we had a booth at the Cass County Fair. It was a great opportunity for us to make the area aware of us and of some of the services we offer. We have had a lot of good things come out of that exhibit, and we continue to have contacts that came from the week we were there. We saved the exhibit and the boards and signs, so we have minimal expense in doing the same exhibit with some small modifications at this year's fair. Everyone helped last year, and it made the booth a huge success. Please mark that week on your calendar and plan to work the booth again this year! TODAY'S
LET'S GO FISHING! MATTHEW 4:18-19 INTRODUCTION We have some fishermen in this congregation. Who-- Know how to catch them.
We are all called to be fishers of men--this is our fruit.Are committed to catching them. Know what to do with them when they are caught. YOU HAVE TO KNOW YOUR FISH! Some fish are not worth trying to catch. Matthew 19:24--
The rich.
Matthew 9:36--Who are these people today? People attending a denomination. Jesus did very little with the Pharisees/Scribes. Where do we find them in
Luke 5:29-32 John 21: 1-15
CONDITIONS!Acts 17:11 We cannot catch fish at the Church building. We have to go where the fish are. Apostles spoke in the Jewish
YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE RIGHT BAIT AND PRESENTATION!Acts 17:13-34 Many came to make fun and
Do you know of a work like this? Some came to learn--the searchers. Acts 2:37
YOU HAVE TO KNOW HOW TO HANDLE THE FISH!Matthew 7:28-29 2 Timothy 3: 16-17 Romans 12:9-21 Do we have the right bait? Acts 2:46-47
Romans 12:4-11 Fish have to stay active,
Are you a fish or a fisherman? OUR STUDY IN ROMANS For the first six months of this
year, we have been in an in-depth study of the book of Romans on Sunday
and Wednesday evenings. Romans is a challenging book in several
different ways. In the first chapter it deals with man's rejection of
God's ways, and all of the results of such behavior. A major discussion
of faith follows, and then a challenging look in Romans 6-8 at what
being a Christian really means. Dying to self and to the "natural man"
is a challenging concept, and the real meaning of baptism comes out
clearly in these chapters.
We have looked in chapters 9-11 at God's plan for all mankind, not just the Jews as God's chosen people. The remaining chapters get into some specific things about living as a Christian that we all need to know. Chapter 12 has talked about the same things that Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7 and talks about the roles that God wants us as Christians to have. Chapter 13 talks about the relationship of Christians to government and politics, and how we as Christians are called to be good citizens no matter how corrupt the government itself may be. This is practical material. It is teaching we all need, and the book of Romans is unique in how it leads us to be good citizens in both the world in which we live and in God's Kingdom--the Church. Tonight we will begin discussions of how to do worship and conduct Church activities. There is an amazing discussion of what it means to be strong and what it means to be weak, and you may be surprised at how these two types of believers are defined. If Romans 14 was actually followed by all of God's people there would be no division or splits in the Church. This has been a good class for several reasons. Number one, of course. is that this is God's Word and God always gives us wisdom and practical teaching for the conduct of our life. The book of Romans is exceptional because it zeroes in on those things that stop a congregation from growing and individuals from assuming the roles that God has called them to. It has been a good study here in Dowagiac because everyone has participated with thought and personal application. If you have not been coming to these discussions we urge you to do so. We all need encouragement and information so we can grow and be what God calls us to be. |