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![]() TO OUR VISITORS The family of God here at Dowagiac Church of Christ wishes to extend to you a warm welcome. If you have questions about our worship services and why we do what we do, we will be glad to give you a biblical answer. The uniqueness of the church of Christ is that we are trying to restore to the best of our ability those things that we see the first century church doing. We are also working hard at building the spirit, unity, and love that Jesus taught and prayed for. We have no clergy, but are working together as equal co-workers trying to serve one another and the area in which we live. Come study with us, grow with us, and serve with us as we strive to do God’s will in all things. FAMILY NEWS
CANCER AND ILLNESS CONCERNS. It seems as though cancer has been taking a special shot at our congregation, and some debilitating illnesses seem to be a perpetual problem, too. A number of our members are struggling with cancer or possible cancer including Dave Pickens and Ella Quick. Bill Gibson is still having a battle with his foot problems and Maelene Salmons has been quite ill. Remember everyone on our prayer board daily. JULY 11th--SPECIAL DAY! One of the things that has been going on for a very long time in the Michiana area is the area wide "singings". The practice began as small congregations were established in various towns throughout the region. People missed being together with other Christians and having a time of singing and fellowship. For many years congregations would have a Sunday program that they would invite all of their sister congregations to attend. People would come and plan to spend several hours singing hymns and praying together, and then enjoying a period of fellowship usually with refreshments. We plan to bring everyone together here at our building on July 11 at 5:00 to restore that practice. Please mark it on your calendars and save that time. We will need workers, but mostly we need the Church here to turn out and welcome our visitors to a wonderful day of worship and fellowship. POTLUCK AND PLANNING MEETING JUNE 6. TODAY'S
Big emphasis on the
environment and preserving resources
WE ARE TO STUDY IT AND LEARN FROM IT. Great affect on our young and our jobs Atheists blame the Bible for our problems. Genesis 1:26 Colossians 3:2 2 Peter 3:13 Genesis 3:17 The Green revolution is consistent with the Bible. Psalm 24:1
AND CARED FOR BY MAN.Psalm 119:90-91 Psalm 115:16 Romans 1:18-22 Genesis 2:15
INVOLVE A COVENANT.Psalm 2:8 Genesis 9:2-3 Stewardship is a covenant.
COVENANTS WITH MAN.1 Chronicles 16:14-18 Luke 12:42-49 1 Peter 4: 10-11 Whatever man does it is to
be viewed as part of our covenant with God. We are stewards of earth,
not just users.
Deuteronomy 28--The covenant
with Israel
Verses 1-14--Promises--verses 15-68--look at 29:1. God has made a similar covenant with you and me-- Acts 2:38a--our part.
Revelation 21:3-4 Acts 2:38:b--God's part. The Green Revolution covenant is important, but your covenant is more important. MORE ON LAST SUNDAY'S SERMON Last Sunday our discussion about
"Let's Go Fishing" was more than just extolling Larry Fox's skills as a
fisherman on Pitcher Lake. Actually, he has not done too well so far
this year, and since the lake is getting drained he may get skunked one
of these days (not get any fish for you non-fishermen.) The point of
the lesson is that God does not want us to just sit here and keep
house. Thanks to Dave Pickens and Lana Fox and those who help them, our
facility looks better than it ever has, but there is much more to do.
As we pointed out in the lesson, the church of Christ we read about in Acts was active in reaching out to people in two ways. First of all they did personal study with friends, family, and people in the community who were interested and seeking. We have lots of folks who are doing that on a regular basis. The second method they used were public programs. Paul's presentation on Mars Hill in Acts 17:22-34 is a good example, but all through the book of Acts we see public programs going on in the synagogues and temples of the various cities where the Christians were meeting. We have used our fair booth and our float as a starting point for reaching out to Dowagiac and Cass County. Perhaps it is time to do a public meeting outreach. There are many topics that would attract attention. Programs about managing money and debt are useful to people and will attract a crowd. We have a brother who does a No Debt No Sweat program on this subject. Other subjects include marriage enrichment, family support, substance abuse, problems of the aged, managing emotions (which Jim Harasewicz is teaching a class on this on Sunday mornings). We can pay brothers in the church who do these types of programs to come and help us. It would involve major expense to advertise properly and pay expenses. Like Paul, we would do this in a public facility--not the church building. We would have follow up and future programs on the subject. The theater downtown would be a perfect place to do this. The Does God Exist? program does these types of programs with other congregations all over the country, and it could be done here and the only expense would be the facility and the advertising. June 6 after our potluck let us talk about what we want to do. We need to go fishing--not be content to just keep house. |