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![]() TO OUR VISITORS The family of God here at Dowagiac Church of Christ wishes to extend to you a warm welcome. If you have questions about our worship services and why we do what we do, we will be glad to give you a biblical answer. The uniqueness of the church of Christ is that we are trying to restore to the best of our ability those things that we see the first century church doing. We are also working hard at building the spirit, unity, and love that Jesus taught and prayed for. We have no clergy, but are working together as equal co-workers trying to serve one another and the area in which we live. Come study with us, grow with us, and serve with us as we strive to do God’s will in all things. FAMILY NEWS
KEEP ON YOUR CALENDAR. NEXT SUNDAY: Potluck and planning meeting. Bring a dish and plan to stay to talk about the projects we have been mentioning and planning. We need your input and ideas. JUNE 19: Father's Day brunch here at the building at 10:00 A.M. All men should be here whether you are a father or not. JULY 11: Singing here at the building, with food afterwards. We are the hosts and need everyone involved. AUGUST 1-7: Cass County 4-H Fair booth--workers will be needed to man the booth, as well as help setting up and tearing down. FAMILY NEWS: Nearly every family here has a medical problem going on with someone they love. The list is too long and things are changing too fast for us to accurately tell you in this bulletin what is going on. Our good news is that Ella Quick does not have cancer and Dave Pickens does not have bone cancer. Dave still does not know all that he is facing, but we are thankful that he has had some good news. The Fox family is facing a severe medical problem so be sure they are on your prayer list. Keep the Gibsons in your prayers as they have an issue with their business that is severe. We will make verbal announcements, and encourage you to write and send cards to those who are announced. TODAY'S
REMEMBERING AND THE LORD'S SUPPER 1 CORINTHIANS 11:23-31 INTRODUCTION--What is Memorial Day to you? Start of summer? Time to get
the boat out?
FIRST PURPOSE--REMEMBRANCE Historically--see the article below. By our culture in 2010 Personally Three purposes should be there. FAMILY
SECOND PURPOSE--PROCLAMATIONThe joy and fun they brought
IN OUR RELATIONSHIP TO GODThe sacrifices they made for us. Feel the pain of their absence. 1 Corinthians 11:24
Same remembrance as family FAMILY
EXAMINATION Bring family together to
proclaim our unity.
IN OUR RELATIONSHIP TO GOD Kids need to have a connection to the past--identity. 1 Corinthians 11:26
Proclaim our identity as Christians--100% united. Speak to each other--lateral and vertical communion. FAMILY
Was I the problem in family
IN OUR RELATIONSHIP TO GODDid I work to keep the family united? Am I the person God calls me to be? Take the time to look at yourself 1 Corinthians 11:28 What happened this week?
James 5:13--Be ready to reach the point of publicly seeking
help. How did I handle it? Am I learning, growing, getting stronger? Christians are ready to face
the world and its challenges.
Stay plugged into the power source of the cosmos. MEMORIAL DAY The first Memorial Day celebration
was called "Decoration Day" and was held on May 1, 1865 by 10,000 black
residents of Charleston S.C. at a mass grave of Union soldiers. The
program consisted of sermons, hymn singing, and a picnic on the
grounds. The name "Memorial Day" was first used in 1882 and was held on
May 30. Setting the celebration as the first Monday after the
last weekend in May, was not recognized by the federal government until
1967 and the date was not formally established until 1971.
Traditionally flags are at half-staff from dawn until noon local time,
and American flags are put on each grave site at national cemeteries.
In some areas poppies are displayed reminding folks of John McCrae's
poem "In Flanders Fields."
With the movement of the celebration to a Monday to allow a three-day weekend, and with the Indianapolis 500 in 1911 and the Coca Cola 600 in 1961, people have come to associate Memorial day with the beginning of summer and the start of summer activities. The original purpose of celebrating the freedom of our country, and honoring those who died to make our freedom possible has been lost to many people. What started out as a primarily religious celebration designed to thank God and people who gave their lives for our country and our freedom, has turned into a secular celebration of the start of vacations, time on the beach, and partying. The Bible gives us some good pictures of what happens when people forget what got them where they are. In ancient Israel there were all kinds of special days, feasts, celebrations remembering what God had done in the past. The Passover which we read so much about in the Bible was a celebration of the final exodus of God's people from Egypt when God struck the firstborn on Egypt and provided for Israel to be released. As the feast turned into a festive time with little remembrance of where they had come from Israel drifted away from God, with catastrophic results. It is important for us to remember how we got to where we are. Memorial Day is not just a time for fun and games and the beginning of the summer season. It is a time for national reflection on those who paid a terrible price for us to enjoy the wonderful standard of living and freedom that we have. It is also a time to remember that God has blessed us incredibly, and not take for granted what we have. |