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![]() TO OUR VISITORS The family of God here at Dowagiac Church of Christ wishes to extend to you a warm welcome. If you have questions about our worship services and why we do what we do, we will be glad to give you a biblical answer. The uniqueness of the church of Christ is that we are trying to restore to the best of our ability those things that we see the first century church doing. We are also working hard at building the spirit, unity, and love that Jesus taught and prayed for. We have no clergy, but are working together as equal co-workers trying to serve one another and the area in which we live. Come study with us, grow with us, and serve with us as we strive to do God’s will in all things. FAMILY NEWS
REMEMBER CHILDREN'S WORSHIP. Our services today will start with singing, prayer, and communion. After the communion our children will be dismissed to the fellowship area for a lesson at their level, while the adults listen to the sermon for today. Parents need to decide whether they want their children to stay with them or go to the children's worship, but we would encourage all younger children who cannot understand the adult lesson to go and have a lesson which will be at their level. Our goal is to have l00 percent of what we do here understandable by l00 percent of us. POTLUCK TODAY. It is the first Sunday of the month, and we always celebrate another month of worship and fellowship by eating together and enjoying each other's company. Please stay and eat with us. There is always plenty of food, and we all need to be strengthened and encouraged by being with people of like mind. PLANNING MEETINGS. Also today we have a planning meeting after the potluck. Please read the last page of this bulletin for more on that. CLASSES. We have started a study of Galatians on Sunday and Wednesday nights. We have had some pretty heavy discussions on the issues brought up in these vital studies. Come and be a part of them. On Sunday morning Jim Harasewicz is leading us through a biblical study of contentment and dealing with life God's way. Come and join in the study. TODAY'S
2 Timothy 4:7--Can we each make that statement?
There are three directions God
calls us to live
OF SELF.Ephesians 5:28-29
OF OTHERS.1 Corinthians 3: l6 - l7 What does the "Temple of God look
Suffering molds and shapes our "temple"--2 Corinthians l2:7. What do we do to take care of the "temple?" What is wrong with . . . ?
John l5:l6--Where do we get help? Food, relaxation, etc., are essential. Romans l2:1--We need to use our bodies in God's service. WE HAVE A SPECIAL SPIRITUAL RESPONSIBILITY TO SELF. Acts 2:40--"Save yourselves . .
. ."
Matthew l6:24--In all of this denying self is a key. Philippians 2:l2--"Work out your OWN salvation . . . . " Galatians 6:3 Matthew 25:3l-46--What makes
Christians different?
OF GOD.Matthew 5:l4--Is this what describes us? Romans l2:l7--A key to living towards others. Galatians 6:10 1 Thessalonians 5:l4-l5 If you die today, what will
people remember you for?
What is this congregation known for? Psalm l39:1-l4--Do we understand
Romans l4:8 Matthew 22:36-38--What is the greatest commandment? Having your life tied up with God
is wonderful.
Dying to self means living toward God--Romans 6:l-8.Romans 8:28--A key to living with life's knocks. "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want . . . ." PLANNING THE LORD'S WORK Please plan to stay for the
potluck today, and then stay for some discussion of what we as a
congregation want to try to do to serve God. The ladies have a special
treat coming on "Father's Day" weekend with a brunch for the men of the
congregation on Saturday, June 19 at l0:00 A.M. Today
some final arrangements need to be made for that special event as well
as some planning for the "Area Wide Singing" which involves us
displaying hospitality to area congregations in July. There are also
some issues and needs connected with our food bank program that need
The men have some usual building and grounds issues to discuss, as well as the mechanics of the July meeting and the 4-H Fair booth in August. We need to plan a special program for our ladies, and several ideas need to be presented as to what we would like to do. There are some long range plans that also need to be discussed by everyone who is a member here. We have discussed the possibility of having a public program to reach out and educate and meet needs that exist for teaching in the area. There is also a need to discuss the need to secure a full-time worker to help us move forward in the area and address some issues and needs that exist that none of us have the time or expertise to do. Come and help plan for the future. We need your input and ideas. |