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DUE to the COVID-19 pandemic FAMILY NEWSREMEMBER — ZOOM SERVICES SUNDAY AT 11:00. If we are meeting under the trees, the ZOOM services will still be held. HIGHWAY CLEAN UP IS THIS SATURDAY, JULY 18. PLAN to be with us at 9:00 A.M. Come to the building at 9:00 (due to the heat) with a face mask, sunscreen, bug spray, and spend two hours cleaning up the highway. If you have a question call Richard Hoyt at 574-333-1177. SHULTS-LEWIS COMMODITY DRIVE: Shults-Lewis has moved our date to October for them to pick up the commodities to use in their work with children. Our commodities are paper towels and canned fruit. We encourage you to get these items when you can and eventually get them to the building. If no one is there when you come, put them on the pew in the lobby of the auditorium. POWER FOR TODAY: The quarterly booklet Power for Today for July, August, and September has arrived. I tried to give one to everyone working at the food truck project, but if you did not get one let me know and I will get a copy to you — John Clayton at 269-687-9426. TODAY’S LESSON
INTRODUCTION — What do you think of Peter?
A. Is Peter the number one disciple, God's rep? (Matthew 16:15-21)
B. Peter is not the foundation of the churches.
1. Jesus is doing the building, not Peter.
C. The confession of Christ is the petra — 1 Peter 2:5.2. Jesus is talking to all the disciples, not just Peter. 3. The name is “Peter.” Jesus does not say, “You are a stone (petros); he says petra — bed rock. 4. The confession is bed rock solid — Peter is not. 5. In a few verses Jesus calls Peter “Satan.” 6. Peter is given keys to unlock, not make up rules. D. Following the life of Peter, a fisherman — Acts 4:13. A. Luke 4:38-39 — his mother-in-law is healed.
B. Luke 5:3-9 — the massive catch of fish. C. Luke 8:22-25 — calming of the sea in a wild storm. D. Luke 8:49-56 — healing the daughter of the ruler. E. Matthew 17:24-27 — fish pays the tax. F. What has happened in your life to build your faith? A. Matthew 18:21-23 — How often do I forgive?
III. PETER FALLS and has doubts — Matthew 14:28-31; 26:35
B. Matthew 19:23-30 — What do we get out of this? C. John 6:66-69 — “To whom do we go?” D. Matthew 16:13-17 — Peter's confession revealed by God. E. Luke 9:28-36 — Transfiguration — understanding Christ. F. John 13:6-9 — “You'll never wash my feet.” Why Not? A. Sleeping — Mark 14:37-41
B. Luke 22:54 — “afar off.” C. Luke 22:55 — among enemy. D. Matthew 26:70-74 — Out and out denial, cursing. A. John 21:7 — Ashamed or suicidal?
B. Jesus leads Peter (verse 15) Uses name “Simon.” C. Galatians 2:11-14 — Peter was never perfect. D. Acts 2:14-43 — imperfect Peter preaches the gospel. E. What is my excuse? THE BACK PAGEWHAT IS GOD'S WILL? CHAPTER 2Last week's bulletin left you with a challenge. The question is, how can we know God's will for our lives? There are some traditional explanations that cannot be valid. Specifically, we discussed the determinist view that everything from careers to sexual relationships is predetermined by God. We saw that this is not consistent with the Greek words dealing with God's will. (See last week's bulletin). The main problem with the determinist view is that it ignores the responsibility that God puts on mankind. Philippians 2:12 tells us “… work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” It is up to us to use God's counsel to accomplish salvation and in Acts 2:40 Peter tells the people, “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.” In Acts 9:15, Jesus tells Ananias that Paul is “my chosen instrument,” but, in 1 Corinthians 9:27, Paul indicates he could “be disqualified for the prize.” We read about a disciple named Demas (Colossians 4:14), who later decided he wanted to reject Christ and be lost (2 Timothy 4:10). Passages like Romans 8:28 and Ephesians 1:5, 9 tell us that God's purpose will be accomplished; but, they do not say that any one person will be the sole agent through which that purpose will be reached. I firmly believe that God had a plan and a ministry for me; but, if I chose not to do what God wanted me to do, he would find someone else. God does not micromanage. He allows us the joy of being able to do his work; but, his work gets done sooner or later, and his purpose (his will) is accomplished. A lot of us planted a garden this spring. We are beginning to reap the harvest of what we planted. We could go to the store and buy the food. Why do we plant the garden and tend it? The tomatoes at Shelton's look better than mine. God could destroy Satan. He does not need us but his will is to let us be a part of his will. Ephesians 6:12; 3:10-11 spell out our real purpose in existing. — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |